Community Media News

Hooked on Marin Speaker Series: Native Peoples

UPDATE: This event is now available on the Marin TV On-Demand site - click here to watch.

Wednesday, October 23 at 7pm, Hooked on Marin presents "Discovering California Native Peoples: The Miwok Archeological Preserve of Marin (MAPOM)" at the Drake Little Theater, Tamalpais Union School District.

Hooked on Marin is a community based partnership comprised of Marin county public service agencies and educational districts collaborating to foster social, educational, and cultural enrichment opportunities in Marin. Video coverage is provided by the Drake High School Communications Academy in a partnership between CMCM and the Intel Computer Clubhouse. CMCM trained four separate multi-camera production teams to cover each of the upcoming four talks.

"Ask the Experts" - Edit Like a Master with DaVinci Resolve TONIGHT @ 6:30 PM

Veteran filmmaker and Marin TV Director of Programming Bill Dunphy knows his way around multiple editing systems. On Thursday, September 24 (6:30 - 8:30 PM), let him show you the ins and outs of DaVinci Resolve, a free editing program with an advanced color corrector used by industry pros.

CMCM’s virtual "Ask the Experts" presentations are free for CMCM members. $25 non-member fee includes one-year membership to CMCM plus free admittance to all “Ask the Experts” presentations in this series.

Register at For more information, contact or call (415) 721-0636.

CMCM has Re-Opened!

After more than a year of required closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Media Center of Marin will re-open on a limited basis effective Wednesday, May 26.

CMCM will resume its regular business hours – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 2 – 9 PM; Fridays and Saturdays from 11 AM – 6 PM, but will operate at 50% capacity for editing access. Due to distancing issues, studio usage will remain off limits until Marin reaches yellow status and/or COVID guidelines change.

The CMCM edit lab will accommodate a maximum of six FCP-certified members at a time in three-hour blocks. Computer statio¬ns are screened for protection and distancing. Reservations will be required and accepted on a first-come first-served basis. No walk-ins will be allowed.

Equipment check-outs will continue. Camera-certified members are welcome to make a reservation on the new CMCM reservation tool.

Camera and editing workshops will be limited to six students, and no CMCM members will be allowed in the Edit Lab when students are attending workshops.

Youth In Arts short film premiere: "Splash of Color"


Saturday, May 18 - 4:30pm - 5:00pm

Smith Rafael Film Center
1118 4th St, San Rafael, CA 94901

Join us for an evening of community, creativity and youth empowerment…

CAFILM Education and Youth in Arts partnered to support three youth filmmakers in producing, filming and editing a short documentary film about the making of two San Rafael City School murals. As part of Youth in Arts’ I AM: Intensive Arts Mentorship and Job Skills Training program, these three filmmakers captured the community and artistic development of the murals in Bahia Vista Elementary School and Venetia Valley School.

Splash of Color: A Community Masterpiece is a documentary film about the transformative power of creativity, art, and community in San Rafael.

JOINING US IN PERSON are directors Faeryn Dunnigan, Wyeth Eberlein, Samantha Jimenez for a post-screening Q&A

Directed by Faeryn Dunnigan, Wyeth Eberlein, Samantha Jimenez

Featuring Keena Azania Romano - Cultural Healing Arts Educator; Fredericko Alvarado - Artist/Teacher; I AM Emerging Artist

This film was produced by Youth in Arts / California Film Institute March 2024

"Time To Zoom" Workshop August 26

Time to Zoom? Proceed with Omid!

In these days of social distancing, everybody's new best friend is Zoom. Feeling shy about inviting this video communications platform into your life? After this FREE one-session workshop on Wednesday, August 26 (7 - 8:30 PM), you and Zoom will be feeling like "besties."

Let Omid Shamsapour, CMCM's Director of Education & Production, guide you through the basics of this cool communications technology -- via Zoom, of course! -- so you can stay connected and be productive during this challenging COVID-19 crisis. You'll be feeling comfortable and confident in no time. And isn't that what best friends are for?

Sign up for this FREE "Time To Zoom" presentation -- offered for the second time due to popular demand! -- by emailing

Meet DaVinci Resolve April 10

CMCM is pleased to announce Introduction to DaVinci Resolve, an all-new editing workshop to be held Saturdays, April 10, 17, 24 (11 AM - 2 PM).

Join instructor Justin Russell as he gets you familiar with the ins and outs of this video editing program used by industry pros. It's user-friendly, PC and Mac compatible, and best of all ... it's free!

Registration is first-come first-served, so sign up today at Wouldn't Leo be proud?

Archie Williams High School Class of 2023 Graduation Broadcasts!

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2023! Marin TV covered the live Ceremonies. Enjoy the broadcast replays on TV and online!

Here is Marin TV’s live broadcast information and schedule:

Friday, June 9th @ 4:00 PM
Sunday, June 25th @ 3:00 PM
Monday, June 26th @ 8:00 PM
Friday, June 30th @ 12:00 AM
Saturday, July 1st @ 8:00 PM
Sunday, July 2nd @ 6:00 PM
Tuesday, July 4th @ 9:00 AM
Thursday, July 6th @ 7:00 AM
Saturday, July 8th @ 8:00 AM
Monday, July 10th @ 5:00 PM
Wednesday, July 12th @ 12:00 PM
Friday, July 14th @ 2:00 PM
Sunday, July 16th @ 10:00 PM

Comcast Channel 30
AT&T U-Verse Channel 99

Marin TV:
CMCM YouTube:


Marin TV Bombed!

Well, actually it was 1969 and Marin TV wasn't in existence quite yet at this building on A Street. But it is an interesting bit of history on the place we call home. A peek at the headlines of this day reveal just how crazy the world was then, a respite perhaps from the surreal days of today. Read the full article and the headlines in the attached pdf below.

Marin Movie Club to discuss "The Prestige" TONIGHT March 10

Calling all film buffs! Check out the Marin Movie Club, a monthly meeting of of cinephiles presented by the Community Media Center of Marin.

Join self-described movie nerd Dain Bedford-Pugh as he hosts a lively monthly discussion of outstanding motion pictures on Zoom.

Up next: Christopher Nolan's 2006 classic “The Prestige” starring Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall, and Sir Michael Caine!

Register for your spot in the "Zoom Room” by emailing

KREOLE & KRAWFISH CommUNITY Gathering: Saturday, May 13th!


Marin TV is a proud CommUNITY Partner of the KREOLE & KRAWFISH CommUNITY Gathering!

AN EVENT TO REMEMBER. Food ~ Music ~ Dance ~ Family-Friendly ~ Positive Vibez

Inspired by GRAMMY Nominated Andre Thierry, the KREOLE & KRAWFISH CommUNITY Gathering is a family-friendly outdoor food & live music event that you won't want to miss. Featuring a lineup of Louisiana and California bands and foods, with vendors serving some of the most mouthwatering dishes and drink specials at the full-service bar! Save the date, grab your family and friends, come INJOY the day with us, and indulge!

Reserve a table for family and friends! Check out our Early Bird Special. All reserve tables seat six guests and come with six meal tickets for the Crawfish Boil.

ALL ages are welcome! Children 12 and under are admitted for free.

For more info and Tickets, please visit here:

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